
Friday, 30 August 2019

skeletal system

Walt:we learnt to write a paragraph using the text formation.

 reflection:I most enjoy typing.

 question:have you ever written belt something?

70% of your bones are made of calcium. Milk has calcium in it. Do you know when you are a baby you have red marrow not yellow and red? Do you know that cartridge is smooth hard and solid calcium makes your bones stronger. If you had no bones you could go on the water and you'll be floating.  if you broke your bone it takes about a week to heal . You should look after your bones they hold your body up!

Image result for skeleton cartoonImage result for skeleton cartoonImage result for skeleton cartoon

Thursday, 15 August 2019

coding with scratch.

Walt: using codes to create something on scratch.

reflection:I most enjoy playing scratch and making games.

question: have you ever made a scratch before?   

Thursday, 8 August 2019

problem 1

Walt: find fractions of sets and you screencastify to explain our work

 reflection:I'm most enjoyed doing the sums.

 questions:have you ever done this.

Thursday, 1 August 2019

skeleton labelled.

Walt: label the skeletal system and state some facts.

 reflection: I most enjoyed labelling the skeleton.
the difficult thing was doing the arrows.

 questions: have you ever labelled a skeleton before.